ベッキーGのインスタグラム(iambeckyg) - 9月8日 13時39分

I totally had a moment when I was pushing Mia around in her stroller today. When my parents got married and had their first child they were my age. The amount of stares I got from older adults because I was with a child were surprising. There were nice ones and not so pleasant ones. My parents were against all odds and probably told they couldn't or shouldn't do it by so many. They've been through so much. It made me proud. 4 kids and many years later they are still happy with their decision to have a family and are happily more inlove than ever. Don't ever let anyone tell you what real love is or when it's gonna happen or when you're ready for it. They don't know what they're talking about. You'll know what real love is when It happens when you're ready for it. ❤️? #yesimwifeymaterial #noiwontbeyourwifeanytimesoon


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