タンディ・ニュートンのインスタグラム(thandieandkay) - 9月8日 08時21分

Look at these gorgeous girls. First day back at school. And all possible through the incredible hard work and tenacity of @noellacoursaris. Her ambition to help girls in her birthplace Congo is a thriving reality @malaikadrc . These girls are the future because Congo is the centre of the world - literally. It is rich and fertile with resources that the West hunger after like vampires. It's been called the worst place in the world to be a woman because of human rights catastrophes that are unleashed by warring over illegal export of those same minerals. Rape is a weapon of those wars. So these girls, and their radiance, is humbling to say the very least . We can help them, and help the beating heart of our beautiful world. They're our flesh and blood. x Thandie


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