ウィニー・ハーロウのインスタグラム(winnieharlow) - 9月5日 06時09分

@shanboody: "Love is a chemical addiction comprised of a few concoctions like Serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin and dopamine. Love is nature's way of keeping a couple binded long enough to, in theory, raise a baby together. Your body doesn't care if the person is actually good for you or not, it wills you to hold on once you have become chemically attached. It's a fucked up cycle, just like the only thing that truly makes the pain of quitting cigarettes go away, is to start smoking again. Eventually you need to be stronger than yourself. Doing more of the thing that is killing you will not save you. Sometimes survival is the hardest choice but at some point, you need to make it your only option ⛅?"


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