ドウェイン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(therock) - 9月3日 01時19分

They all look like mini versions of me - which is ironic cause when I was their age I did a lot of f*cked up things and got in trouble too. They earned this happiness.. Free young men! These youth offenders committed crimes and were sentenced to one of the most extreme, hard core and effective boot camps in the world. They did their hard earned time and now they graduate and become free men. Better men. You'll see their intense and inspiring journey on our new HBO documentary #RockAndAHardPlace... and hopefully we shine the light on a boot camp and it's drill instructors that help change lives. We're proud of you boys. Now that you're out the even HARDER WORK begins. Stay smart and strong. #TryYourBestToBeThePositiveExample #DadeCountyCorrections #BootCamp #RockAndAHardPlace #Miami #ChangeIsReal


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