Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 9月2日 03時29分

Acapulco plus John Digweed's Live in South Beach album equals one super happy Papa Bear. I just wish that our Mermaid and Tierris were here swimming with me. Long live John Digweed. I know that I'm a very lucky person to be able to call him my friend. Trust me, without John, the Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation wouldn't exist. I'm not saying that I'm a good or bad person, but I am who I am in great part thanks to John @djjohndigweed
Everywhere I look I see magic or the potential to do magic. This beautiful Planet of ours is worth fighting for till our last breath...
@djjohndigweed #behuman #blackjaguarwhitetiger #acapulco


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