Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 8月30日 02時25分

With a lot of joy I want to say "Au Revoir" to Ana Bobana, our first intern. She is moving to Boston to study Biology at the prestigious Boston University.

Ana spent a month with us, and I don't remember being asked so many questions before. Curiosity is a transcendental part of leadership, the other part is to listen to the answers, so I put a lot of effort in forcing her to listen :) She comes from a great family of scholars that support her. She has an incredible passion and chemistry for/with animals and more importantly, she has my favorite quality: LOYALTY.

I hope that the month that she spent with us helped her get inspiration to fuel her dreams of becoming an individual that will help us fight the dark side of humanity in the coming years.
Sometimes I can see the future, she'll be an important figure in our fight.

I plan to visit her in the following months once she's settled, for I have a dream to fulfill in the city of Boston: I need to stop at "Cheers" and drink a glass of Orange Juice or Lemonade. Who knows, perhaps I'll run into Norm or Cliff.

Thank you Ana for giving us a month of your life. We did our part, now you have to do yours...


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