クリスティーナ・ミリアンのインスタグラム(christinamilian) - 8月27日 09時29分

The last 24 hours have been an emotional roller coaster but i'd like to thank everyone for being so supportive throughout my sister Danielle & Richards pregnancy. The both of them have shown the true measure of courage and faith for the last 9 months and I can't praise them more.
Our family was blessed to have met our little Angel Baby Richie. We were fighting for him and with him the whole way and are now coping with the direction in which fate took. I ask that you keep him and our entire family in your prayers-- Especially Danielle, Richard, Naomi & Dj and know that we've all been touched by our little Guardian Angel. His memory will forever live on in our thoughts and our hearts.
May he now rest in peace in the arms of our Heavenly Father . ? stay blessed.


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