Phil Fergusonのインスタグラム(chiliphilly) - 8月25日 15時09分

#50: Edit: WHY DIDNT I JUST CALL THIS A PHILLY STEAK?! ???? Long time, no speak! I've been sick over the last few weeks or so but I am back into action!

Considering I've been on here for a year, I was thinking of doing a YouTube channel! I was wondering what sort of content were people interested in! Would you want tutorials, fun things or just videos of people wearing hats? Who knows! But let me know what you would wanna see in motion!

Also I'm going to Sydney in a month which I'll be hopefully making special posts for! So if there's anyone who I'm following who wants to hang out when I'm there, hit me up!

Have a good week everyone!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Phil Fergusonを見た方におすすめの有名人