エルヴァ・シャオのインスタグラム(hsiaoelva) - 8月24日 12時54分

To my dearest brother "Thank you for always always being there for me no matter what, for putting up with my tantrum and accepting me for who I truly am. (childish I admit lol) You have never judged me once when I make stupid mistakes or when I'm being a bossy sister (that only happened very few times lol) All I wanted to say is THANK YOU for loving me like I'm the last person on earth. I just wanna tell you I LOVE YOU TO DEATH and thank you for always believing in me. #ILOVEYOU #MyOnlyBrother #一次要抱3隻毛小孩真的很難 #GeminiHsiao被#PaipiHsiao 擠翻了 #ThanksJason for holding #NiniHsiao for me lol #我弟弟其實蠻愛搶鏡頭的 #阿花妳輸了


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