キエラ・キキ・シェアードのインスタグラム(kierrasheard) - 8月20日 06時24分

Lord help me to hold my tongue when what I want to say isn't to better my bother or sister. Help me to refrain from killing people with my words, but healing people with my silence. Father help me to know when I should and shouldn't air my thoughts. Give me the strength to pray more than I gossip. Help me to know that all of my knowledge doesn't have to be released into the air, even if I may know the truth of the matter. Give me the strength to listen to what I need to learn. Don't let me kill my dreams with my tongue. Mature the inner peace within myself, so that I may be silent on the outside. Help me to be wise and stay silent enough to exemplify valor/virtue/wisdom/beauty, but outspoken enough to where I don't explode! In Jesus' name I pray amen! #theBeautyInSilence #kierrasdevotion

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