アグネス・モニカのインスタグラム(agnezmo) - 8月16日 03時59分

love u bestie! This was taken when we gave her a surprise bday "party" in her room. lol @グレイシア・ポリー I love u unconditionally! win or lose, you will always be my best friend. I GOT UR BACK! You can always count on me...and i know you know that!!! ❤️ #bestiesforlife Make time for people who know your value and appreciate you for it. People who are willing to GROW with you! The ones who will still "call u out" and tell you when u're wrong -- quietly n in front of you (not talk about u behind ur back). But at the same time, scream out loud to CELEBRATE you for who you are and for the friendship you have.
I appreciate you @グレイシア・ポリー. We love u! @deveeaja @geadenanda

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