ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 8月14日 10時53分

More guns n violence in Mission Impossible movies but yall wanna crackdown on #StraightOuttaCompton & put police outside the theaters ??? Cut it the fuck out........ The people who the actors are portraying have persevered in life & are currently worth millions & are changing the world as far as Dre is concerned with his headphones & music & cube with his company.... & both are huge philanthropist & donate millions back to this city & others...... They can't put out a movie depicting their own trials & triumphs without the overcast of the same black cloud that tried to keep them from progressing in the 1st place ??? The news, government, authorities etc fuckin kill me...... Wish we could dissect everything you crooked fucks do & let it be known to & viewed by the world under the same microscope. SMFH... Taking cops out of their daily duty to secure movie theaters ?? You motherfuckers are stupid.... I repeat "STUPID"..... #Compton


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