ナイジェル・バーカーのインスタグラム(nigelbarker) - 8月13日 08時38分

Poachers are slaughtering on average one elephant every 15 minutes – and some populations are now on a path to extinction
We CAN make a difference here in the U.S. by ending commercial trade in elephant ivory
@WWF has set a goal of reaching 1 million signatures on this petition, and we’re 80% of the way there – help us reach our goal and help save elephants! The US is stepping up its commitment to stop wildlife crime by proposing new rules to curb commercial ivory sales. Add your name to this petition to show your support. World Wildlife Fund is delivering the public letter and all signatures directly to the USFWS. Elephants are worth it. I did it, will you? #WorldElephantDay http://wwf.to/1htkfDd


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