ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 8月13日 01時23分

Browsing through a certain online news page just now looking at various articles and I did something I never do..... I read the comments on each article I looked at. The article wasn't about me or anyone I know personally but the comments REALLY wound me up. "She has no arse" "her tits are so fake" "they are so desperate" "I'd look like that if I had his money" "does she not have a job" "she's never with her kids" WTF is wrong with people?!! What right do you have to slate another person who you know nothing about purely because you have seen a picture of them? I'm assuming the people being so horrible look like either Greek Goddesses or Spartan Warriors and are the most perfect parents with no flaws what so ever?! Or is it just the plain fact that you are so miserable and insecure and fed up of your own life or job or appearance that it makes you feel a bit better putting someone else down? Key pad Warriors the lot of them. Does my nut in! We live in a sad society where its seemingly pleasurable to see the flaws in a person rather then the good. No ones perfect and unless you really know a person you have no right to judge them. Especially on there frigging appearance!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



