アカデミー賞のインスタグラム(theacademy) - 8月12日 10時23分

Thank you. Ah, man! This might be the one time I'm speechless. Thank you so much for this incredible honor. Thank you for putting me in a category with these four extraordinary men. Thank you, Ben and Matt -- I still want to see some ID. Thank you, Gus Van Sant, for being so subtle you're almost subliminal. I want to thank the cast and crew, especially the people of South Boston -- you're a can of corn, you're the best. I want to thank the Meshpucha Weinstein. Mazel tov! And I want to thank Marsha for being the woman who lights my soul on fire every morning. God bless you. And most of all, I want to thank my father, up there, the man who when I said I wanted to be an actor, he said, "Wonderful, just have a back-up profession like welding." Thank you. God bless you. - Robin Williams' speech after winning the Oscar for Supporting Actor for his role in "Good Will Hunting" in 1998.


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