ドウェイン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(therock) - 8月8日 08時21分

I said "Hey Lexi" from across the gym and she came running over and said "you came back for me!!!" Her mom just shared a story that touched my heart.. she said every time Lexi has to go to the hospital for a treatment she always says "I gotta be strong cause the Rock told me to be strong!" Then she brings my picture with her to the hospital as a strength reminder. Hearing that story gave me instant perspective (and gratitude). Hey, look I got some pretty cool things going on in my life.. I believe in hard work and little luck to get ya by.. but moments like this with Lexi will always be the best part of my fame. We all play a part in it ya know? And I appreciate I can share it with y'all. #Perspective #SheToldMeSheLovesMe #AndJustinBieber #HelluvaComboIGuess #BestPartOfFame


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