ニック・スウォードソンのインスタグラム(realnickswardson) - 8月7日 06時34分

Goodbye to the great Jon Stewart.
I was 19 years old. A young comedian out of Minnesota. I won a contest for HBO to be featured as one of the top new comedians at the Aspen Comedy Festival in 1997. I had only been doing stand up for 9 months. I was so excited but very inexperienced. The festival was loaded with comedy heavy weights. I was nervous.
I found myself at the festival at the lobby of my hotel in a conversation with a couple comics. Jon Stewart walked up. Someone said, "Jon, this is Nick he's a new comic." Jon said hello. I was stoked. Several hours later I was walking home alone down the dark streets. "Goodnight, Nick!!!" echoed in the night. I looked around confused. I didn't know anyone. Across the street was Jon Stewart. He waved. I waved back. He didn't have to do that. It made a young comic at an intimidating festival feel at home. Thanks, Jon.
Thanks for that moment and an amazing run on the Daily Show.


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