ダフニ・クラークのインスタグラム(daffmc29) - 8月3日 03時33分

By @cherinda_k via @RepostWhiz app:
"The ASOH experience not only offers the youth a new beginning, a sense of "home" and belonging - but a community that is invested in them succeeding. It isn't just the youth whose lives are changed. Volunteers witness a life transformed within 2 hours and are inherently changed themselves. The volunteers see youth who have been starved of humanity, flourish in the face of it. So do they." - www.aSenseofHome.org. You can help make a difference in the lives of many great and inspiring foster youth. Please visit the @a_senseofhome website to find out the many ways you can donate and make a difference in the lives of our foster youth #asenseofhome #community #buildingbridges
(#RepostWhiz app)

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