ジェイク・ポールのインスタグラム(jakepaul) - 8月1日 09時51分

a few days ago I got the opportunity to meet the strongest person I have met in my life. Her name is Kate... Kate was diagnosed with stage 4 neuroblastoma over 2 years ago. Even with the hardship and struggles she's gone through, she is the happiest-most bubbly girl ever... The necklace she is showing me is filled with beads. Kate gets a bead from the hospital everytime she goes through a treatment like a cat scan/surgery/ or chemo session. As you can tell the necklace is filled with beads.... This made me realize that I have nothing to ever complain about and that people take a lot for granted in today's society including myself. Let's all try and be more grateful for every little thing we have. Thanks Kate for inspiring me❤️ ily @katepierson01


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