デイン・クックのインスタグラム(danecook) - 7月30日 11時22分

I observe everything. Maybe just as a comedian I'm prone to be overseeing an entire room of strangers behavior or something.
Isn't it incredible how much you can learn about your followers by what they LIKE or skip. I watched closely the last few months at certain people who just skip by something meaningful to you just to LIKE a pic of a bowl of pasta or they won't LIKE something you worked hard on or took time to photograph in a beautiful location because they are too self centered to think it might mean something to you.
I'm not just speaking for my own profile (even though I know who my frienemies are after some substantial time on here) but how people see others.
It's a fascinating study. I'm sure you see it too. This social networking is just as high school as real life sometimes.


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