キーシャ・エップスのインスタグラム(lovekeishaepps) - 7月30日 02時47分

My heart's ALL IN IT. #Doing? LOVERS,life is a journey and the only thing that remains consistent in it,is your being-your core.You have to remain open and resilient enough to allow life to take course within your life.To move out of your own way to let God do what it is that HE see's fit just for YOU.I have had a lengthy bout with vulnerability after becoming a mother and no longer living out my artistry...FULLY. I couldn't see that I was vulnerable and when I did..I couldn't understand how someone like me who has gone what I've gone through be so vulnerable...the friend who's always trying to mentor/nurture my friends....??? Not that I was stronger than strong but that I had strength,that I had the LOVE for and of GOD.When GOD is preparing you for another part of your journey,a better you.You need to be fluid in order to be remolded/sculptured.That can't happen when you are rigid.Vulnerability is STRENGTH.It's an opportunistic window of growth.It is also very humbling which is ....STRENGTH.You can't become ALL you NEED to become without these much needed traits.....when you're ready for the next chapter you will KNOW.I am so very grateful & humble for my life's journey.I am blessed beyond words and I am growing! Evolution is our purpose.Embrace all of you.With GOD leading you...there's no stopping you. #YupTheSkyIsNotTheLimit #LOVEmyHusband4AlwaysBeingMyROCK #ShineLOVERS ?


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