スカイ・フェレイラのインスタグラム(skyferreira) - 7月27日 17時32分

Hello! Okay. Here's the deal: I originally planned on releasing the video for 'Guardian' sometime in August. Due to everyone's schedule it was impossible to do so without having to compromise the video in some way & a bit premature without any sort of "plan". I've been really excited & anxious to share it with you, so I wanted to do it as soon as possible but...I also want it to be the best it possibly can be. 1.) It's the first song I'm releasing since Night Time,My Time. It is a very big deal for me & a whole new chapter musically/visually/mentally so I want it to be released & properly made. 2.) What I'm doing for the video has to have a very specific group of very special people to make it what it is meant to be, so that means getting everyone to be available at the same time to do so. 3.) WE ARE MAKING IT IN AUGUST! 4.) I had a bit of health issues within the last few months so I needed to get better before I started releasing & playing shows again without complications etc 5.) it wouldn't be a release from me if it wasn't delayed (KIDDING!). Anyways, it IS coming soon & it is going to be nothing less than amazing! ????


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