グレイシア・ポリーのインスタグラム(greyspolii) - 7月26日 23時01分

Sometimes life can put us down if we don't choose our priorities wisely, people sometimes will jeer at us instead of supporting us, and people sometimes look at our mistakes rather than our kindness, people tend to criticise us without even watching their words, people are just people, and yes we can't depend on people. Jesus taught me how to depend, lean, trust on Him with all my heart.. And also He taught me to forgive one another as quick as possible like He forgave us even when we do not please Him.. And His words always remind me about how to LEVEL UP my life ( my thoughts, my mind, my heart, my soul ) and now i know how to seperate what's my priority in life, which are important to think about and which are not important. I'm grateful that Jesus filled my empty soul so that i still can feel the joy of life even when i am not in a good situation, walk alone. :') #alwaysstronger #lifeisbeautifulwithJesus #goodnight


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