トーヴ・ローのインスタグラム(iamtovelo) - 7月23日 02時23分

quick edit //
i need to rant for a minute. i HATE people who say 'i don't judge' bc i've found that those are the people who are the MOST judgemental. don't say you don't judge. i tend to say i DO judge but i try really hard not too. i live in an area where most everyone is the same religion (and i am too, so i'm not bashing on the religion whatsoever) but if someone isn't the same religion, they are the devil and nobody wants anything to do with them and they are quick to judge them. i'd say a little over half of my friends don't believe the same as me, but they are some of my favorite people. and most people 'push them to the side' bc they don't believe the same as them. and it pisses me off. and if you ever say anything about it, its 'i don't judge, that's cruel!' well now you're a liar so //
this is kinda my own psa just to be careful about what you say to others. and don't treat people differently because of their religion, or because they are wealthier, or whatever other reason. because it is just plain wrong.


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