ダニエル・ノリスのインスタグラム(danielnorris18) - 7月21日 04時22分

@wreeddarden & I were driving around the marshes of Pawleys Island. I was taking a few photos here and there but for the most part I was just enjoying my surroundings. (A low key, mellow little island with not much going on aside from the late afternoon bike rides through the neighborhood) Reed told me to get a shot of the guy pickin the banjo, but we had already passed. I hoped he'd still be out there when we retraced out path. Plus, car shooting is harder than it seems. We made our way back and he was still out there pickin away. Not playing for anyone. Just himself. Or maybe for God. Who knows. But it was a funky tune & I liked it. So I asked if I could take a photo. He smiled and said sure. I got my frame, set the exposure & released the shutter. - gave reeder the nod & we left. We knew nothing about this man. But as we drove off we didn't need to say anything to each other to agree that he was happy. Good for him. Keep on pickin. #Jkl


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