ビクトリア・アザレンカのインスタグラム(vichka35) - 7月20日 08時11分

This man gave me the best foundation to build from when I was just a kid... He taught me hard work, discipline, a will to never give up, a desire and motivation to always keep improving and grow... I became a player and a person I am today not only because of that... But he gave me a push to go beyond to what people thought is possible... And till this day and forever I will have that and I will chase my dreams... I love tennis and I love this game because I have so much respect and passion and because it brought me to the place where I can live my dream every single day! I'm so grateful to have you in my life! #backtomyroots


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



