uglyfruitandvegのインスタグラム(uglyfruitandveg) - 7月20日 06時56分

Hello Everyone,
We're over 1,000 signatures for #WhatTheFork! Thank you so much for signing our petition! And, thank you so much for all the great comments too. They really help support this effort to show Whole Foods and Walmart that U.S. customers WILL buy produce that isn't perfect!

An extra thanks goes out to those who have shared it on social media! Please consider sharing again with: #WhatTheFork? Ask @Wal-Mart Stores, Inc and @Whole Foods Market to stop massive waste of produce that isn't "perfect."
And any of the images at can be right-clicked to save and share.

We've already received some great press (and there's more coming) so feel free to share what's on the press page at
And lastly, this petition is about to kick into high gear as we are officially working with! You might have noticed the petition has been placed on the home page as trending. This is just the beginning. The amazing folks at are helping us improve the petition and then will blast it out to thousands of their members soon!!!! Thanks again for all your support, this petition is going to motivate Walmart and Whole Foods to end massive produce waste. And, in the process, we also may just put all other U.S. grocers on notice as well!

[BIHAKUEN]UVシールド(UVShield) 更年期に悩んだら

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