アンナ・フェイスのインスタグラム(annafaith) - 7月18日 07時02分

(I had to add this part in because people are ignorant and choose to say I'm still wearing makeup. NO. I have naturally rosy cheeks, bright lips (teacher in 1st grade told me too take off my lipstick and when she forced me to rub it off, it only made my lips brighter) and dark eyebrows with blonde hair. So keep your negative comments to yourself) Satisfied now?.. I'm asked for this no makeup selfie on a daily basis. It's really quite annoying. I don't bother other people whether they choose to wear makeup or not. This will satisfy some of you until tomorrow. I really don't know why there is such interest in this. It's almost as though people WANT to find faults in others. But I don't get it. If someone feels comfortable in makeup, who are you to question that? If you're going to be hateful, don't bother because I'll just delete and block you. Here you go.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




