ジェマ・アトキンソンのインスタグラム(glouiseatkinson) - 7月13日 04時48分

I wanted to put up this post to hopefully inspire anyone who is starting / considering starting or currently going through a body transformation. Long ago I longed for an ass and some quads. That was it. I ran athletics for Manchester girls and i was the lanky one on the team. The "streak of piss even" ? the pic on the right was how my body was BEFORE I began training. As you can see I'm long limbed with no muscle tone and very little shape... 3 years ago I started taking weight training seriously and when I say seriously I mean I am always consistent with my training sessions (even on holidays) and I combine it with a clean diet 95% of the time. Of course I allow the odd sweet treat or pizza but I'm talking like, once a month ? It hasn't been easy, at times it's been horrendous in fact, but the point is I've stuck with it and I've squatted / lunged / box jumped my way through it and I finally now have the ass and quads that I've always wanted. So, DONT GIVE UP, DO LIFT WEIGHTS and DO BE CONSISTENT WITH YOUR CLEAN EATING!!! It's Amazing what your body will do if you work with it. Huge thank you to @reflexnutrition & @ollyfosterfitness for pushing & supporting me through it.... ??


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