A.J.のインスタグラム(aj_mclean) - 7月13日 03時33分

So I've been back and forth about posting this but I gave in. I've been in this same dilemma a few times in my career but always naked. So James our amazing house engineer locked himself out of his room last night in his underwear and I was gonna go get him a key but he like mission impossible used his do not disturb sign to break into his room. Resourceful he is yes but I now know I don't want him anywhere near me on tour if he can magiver his way into rooms. Now I expect one of three people to comment this pic first. 1- Tierany 2- Rick or 3- Kristin. So let the comments begin.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




