ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 7月11日 06時05分

HOW TO GET SHREDDED ABS IN 7 DAYS!!?!! JUST DO 100000 SIT UPS A DAY, THATS ALL IT TAKES!!! ...... ?mmmmm no, I don't believe that is healthy or sustainable. Do you want Abs? Do you really? Because if you do, I'll tell you right now, there is no secret to it, there is no supplement in the world, no ONE exercise and not ONE food that can get you there easily. It's hard work, it's eating the right foods, working out hard, being healthy, making the right choices, sleeping well, staying hydrated and just being dedicated to a good healthy lifestyle. Only THEN, can you start working towards 'abs'. Do the right things FIRST, and your body will reward you. Remember it's not all about how you look. Feeling better inside is always more important. ? www.kaylaitsines.com/guides


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Yumi Wongのインスタグラム
Yumi Wongさんがフォロー
