NASAのインスタグラム(nasa) - 7月3日 22時24分

This Hubble Space Telescope picture shows a galaxy named SBS 1415+437 (also called SDSS CGB 12067.1), located about 45 million light-years from Earth. SBS 1415+437 is a Wolf-Rayet galaxy, a type of star-bursting galaxy with an unusually high number of extremely hot and massive stars known as Wolf-Rayet stars.

These stars can be around 20 times as massive as the sun, but seem to be on a mission to shed surplus mass as quickly as possible - they blast substantial winds of particles out into space, causing them to dwindle at a rapid rate. A typical star of this type can lose a mass equal to that of our sun in just 100,000 years!

Image credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA

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