フェリペ・メロのインスタグラム(felipemelo) - 7月3日 19時33分

In the last few days a lot of news about me have appeared in the press and commented by Galatasaray fans. I would like to clarify few things I’ve seen that are not right or fair.
I haven’t made any decision about my future, those are days important for my future and the one of my family. We are all together on holidays relaxing after a long season in which we won many games and many titles.
I’ve never put the club in difficult situations about financial issues, on the contrary I have always done my best to help GS regarding that. So as I’ve always done my best in the pitch every game and every minute I have been wearing the Galatasary shirt.I’m sure all the true Galatasaray fans know that.
Many comments of some fans made me sad considering that I've given priority to GS even in front of my own health.This is my attitude as player, I showed many times.It will always be like that with the GS shirt or with any other I may wear.
I consider unfair a lot of bad things I’ve read about me after 4 years in which every drop of my sweat and every day of my work has been totally dedicated to Galatasary and to make the team win every game and every competition.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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