ダヴ・キャメロンのインスタグラム(dovecameron) - 7月2日 15時11分

SUPER HAPPY AMAZING POST BECAUSE:: 1. I had the loveliest time at the #thirstgala last night, && was so grateful to be invited//have the opportunity to present an amazing award.
2. I BOUGHT A WELL AND YOU CAN TOO! I donated some of my personal funds to build a well to help contribute to the end of the global water crisis, and you can find out more about how to raise money for this truly INCREDIBLE cause that I adore at thirstgala.org && 3. (def unrelated, but) YAY INSTAGRAM VERIFICATION. That's all. ? Oh, && ps: thanks @アリス+オリビア for the sparkly clothes. ✨


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Lena Spanksのインスタグラム
Lena Spanksさんがフォロー
