ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 7月1日 06時32分

I want to take time out to shout my oldest son @Harlem_2.0 out on his 12th bday !!!!!!!!!!!!!! June 30th 2003... 12 years ago you were born & on that day the roll of "FATHER" was given to me & I can't say that I was ready for it but after looking into yours eyes for the 1st time... I made a promise to myself & your mother that I would do everything in this life to make sure yours was a GREAT one & the furthest from the way I grew up as possible. Not only am I your father... I'm your BEST FRIEND & I will never leave your side in life & I will always be right here son until you lower my casket into the ground. People can assume they know but no one knows how much I love this boy except me !!!!!!!!! My life & everything I do is so that his can be everything he could ever dream of & that is a FOREVER thing !!!!!! I love you Harlem to core lining of my heart & NOTHING will ever change that.... & if you don't remember anything in life... DO REMEMBER that your FATHER will be right here through it all to guide you.... I was born to be your DAD. Happy Birthday son............ I love you so much boy, yea... That part !


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