マギー・リンデマンのインスタグラム(maggielindemann) - 6月29日 06時52分

2/28/15 I miss you more than words could ever describe. I miss talking to you. I miss your smile. I wish we could go back. You were the first guy to ever make me feel important. I remember our last conversation like it was yesterday and I wish I could just have one more. You are the most amazing boy I have ever met and will ever meet and I'm so thankful to have had you in my life. I wish I had texted you sooner babe I'm so sorry. I love you more than anything and I hope you're loving heaven. We all miss you so much. I'll never forget you cam. You are definitely the bravest person I know and you may have lost your battle but to all of us you definitely kicked some ass. I know I wouldn't have been as strong as you were. I love you so much. I'll see you again. my first real boyfriend. wow I got lucky. One time I remember him telling me "I'll make it up to you" because he couldn't come over.... One day when I see you again you better keep your word❤️ love u


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