リル・デュヴァルのインスタグラム(lilduval) - 6月27日 22時15分

I've never met this guy but I've been following him thru social media for years now. I've watched him grow and seen his progression thru Twitter and Instagram. He's a rapper out of Singapore. This is what social media is really about. Meeting people you would've never met in you're own world and bringing us all together. Somehow it's turn to making people with no talent beside posing pretty in pics modeling yo body and laughing at people that gets a slow check. (At least in America it has) This is no diss to them. Cause I laughed at them too. But as a artist myself u can't help but see people that u know have some talent get ignored because people are too busy making talentless people famous. It doesn't really effect me because I'm blessed to have a fanbase even before the Internet. But what about the next generation of talent? Long story long I really wished yall would show love to real talent as much as yall show love to pointless shit. Shout out @shiggashay get grinding can't wait to see u on top. And to any other young person with talent don't get discouraged. The people u see popping now will not be here 5 years from now. Trust me I've seen them come seen them go. Just stay focused. Talent always win. The cream rises to the top. #motivation #thiswontgetmanylikes #bemoreawareofwhoyoumakefamous


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