ジェシー・Jのインスタグラム(jessiej) - 6月27日 11時37分

I have seen a lot of "How are you today" comments... How am I.... *Looks up sighs and has to be honest*
I am not ok... I am in a lot of pain.
But I'm working on it with the doctors.
We all have our moments and one of mine is now.
Being human sucks when you are non stop and your body says NOPE not right now.
Unexpected but I'm here trying my best to not let it win ??
Sometimes admitting how you really feel can be the quickest road to recovery.
And PLEASE know all of your understanding, love and support helps me so much. (And the morphine ?) (And my Mums hugs)
How are you today?
Love Jess x ❤️


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