マックス・カーバーのインスタグラム(maxcarver) - 6月25日 04時44分

HOLD ME DOWN - An amazing project from an amazing friend- please watch, share and if you feel compelled to do so, please support by backing. Different books, same story. Link above in my bio and here:


This is HOLD ME DOWN-- a day in the life of a prostitute in the Bronx. All the women in this short film are being played by non-actor, real women from the Bronx who have walked this walk of life before. Our mission is to shed light on this reality and initiate dialogues that create change, which is why we have partnered with LIFT COMMUNITIES and several other organization that help women and girls in these circumstances get accesses to the tools and education needed to break the cycle.

If you want to support our project, you can donate on the Kickstarter page or share the link to increase our exposure.

#HoldMeDown #Kickstarter #Story #Film #Empathy #Amazing #RT


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