サシャ・カリスのインスタグラム(_bahamasgirl_) - 6月24日 04時01分

Manta rays are some of the most graceful and majestic animals in the ocean. They can measure up to 7m in wingspan, living for 50 years. But they reproduce very slowly. It takes 8-10 years for a female to become mature and then only one pup is born every 2-5 years.
In some parts of the world, people have been killing manta and mobula rays to use their gills for a so-called medicine. By not knowing what they ingest, people may unintentionally supporting an industry that hunts threatened species.
Whereas shark fin is consumed in pricey bowls of soup as symbol of wealth and status, the gills from manta and mobula are being falsely marketed as a health tonic in China. The practice has no health benefits, and is not recognized or documented by formal Traditional Chinese Medicine. Additionally, WildAid investigations found dangerous levels of arsenic, cadmium, mercury and lead in manta and mobula gill plate samples from the Guangzhou markets.
Be educated in what you buy. Do not consume manta or mobula ray parts such as Peng Yu Sai. Spread the word to save our ocean. ?


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