ネネのインスタグラム(nene) - 6月23日 03時57分

Que alegria esse momento de ontem no reencontro com grandes amigos de longa data que fizeram parte da minha história, tenho muito orgulho de ser jundiaiense e ter feito parte da história desse clube que me lançou no futebol o Paulista muito obrigado. ??????????.?? Hier, je répondais à l'invitation du club de Paulista, la ville où j'ai grandis, de participer à un match amical réunissant les anciens du club. Quel plaisir de revoir les anciens coéquipiers et les membres du clubs qui nous ont permis de débuter et de gagner mon premier titre professionnel. ?? Yesterday, I was answering to the invitation of Paulista soccer club, the club of my childhood, to attend a friendly game with many former players of the club. What a pleasure it was to see again some friends and members of the club that helps me to start and win my first prize as professional. @amaralmogi @alebuzzetto @arturmoraes1


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