カーリー・ウォパットのインスタグラム(carlywopat) - 6月22日 07時33分

Happy Father's Day to this studly dad, who placed 12th at the 1980 Olympic Trials in decathlon and was one of the eight members of the 1981 U.S. decathlon team.

Not only do I thank him for passing down his athletic genetics, but also for all he has taught me so far. He was my first basketball coach at the age of 5. He held back my hair when I was sick and tickled me until I peed my pants. He taught me how to make perfect over-easy eggs, how to tie a fishing lure, set up a tent, read the stars, work with wood, play cribbage, throw a discus, lift weights, complete crossword puzzles, and he was even my calculus professor my last year of high school. But most importantly, he has taught me how to work hard for what you want in life, to help others selflessly, and to maintain a quiet humbleness that roars.


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