テリーサ・パーマーのインスタグラム(teresapalmer) - 6月21日 13時22分

This beautiful little boy is called William. William turned 4 on Friday but he didn't get to celebrate his birthday with his Mum and Dad or his big sister because William Tyrrell was kidnapped from his grandmothers backyard September 12, 2014 in Kendall, NSW, Australia. He was wearing a Spider-Man outfit when he was taken. As a mum to a little boy of my own, my heart breaks to know how scared and confused this little guy must've felt and how utterly petrified, heartbroken and devastated his parents are. I can't begin to imagine what it's like to have to face each day without knowing where your child is. I can't even take my thoughts there it's too painful. William needs to be back in the loving embrace of his family. PLEASE #bringwilliamhome ANY information at all could be the missing piece to the puzzle. Somebody knows something. Please don't forget him. Retweet/Repost. Call Australian Crimestoppers with information Ph: 1800 333 000

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