タイラ・バンクスのインスタグラム(tyrabanks) - 6月19日 02時27分

Yesterday, I woke up and felt like showing you the me you deserved to see. #RawAndReal
Today, I want to continue to keep it real. Why? Because we ALL know I don't walk around looking like the bare-faced photo I posted yesterday. Almost everyday, I rock mascara, blush up my cheeks and throw concealer on those damn dark circles under my eyes I was so tempted to touch up on my raw pic yesterday.
The painted face you're looking at right now...THIS is REALLY me, too. Is it raw? Heck no! Is it real? The jury's out on that, but I say, "Yeah." I know what you're thinking. "What???!!!"
It's real because I'm keepin' it REAL by admitting I need to put stuff on my face to look like a supermodel. (Add a lil' retouching and Wham, the final look is complete!) Yeah, I wished I woke up looking flawless, but that just ain't me. Not at all. And I'm not ashamed to admit it. None of us should be.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




