ティモシー・サイクスのインスタグラム(timothysykes) - 6月15日 03時33分

Once you have the right mindset valuing financial education & preparation BEFORE you invest your hard earned money in the stock market, you'll begin realizing there's opportunity everywhere, the world is filled with ways to make money & earn yourself #FinancialFreedom it doesn't matter who you are, where you're from or how little money you have to start, education and self-improvement are crucial to your future success! Go watch my 400+ free videos on my YouTube channel (user: timothysykesdotcom) if you're broke, at least you can learn how a self-made multi-millionaire approaches the stock market and finance every day and you'll begin seeing green EVERYWHERE like I do :) #DailyMotivation #DailyInspiration thx to @jaypeeswing for the visual analogy from #HalongBay in #Vietnam which I visited back in 2002 and need to return soon! #SuccessSunday #BestVacations #Wonderful_Places #JewsLoveGreen


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