ニッキー・シックスのインスタグラム(nikkisixxpixx) - 6月14日 08時12分

Drove by a gallery in #London TONIGHT and my daughter @crankiesixx said I SEE YOU.I asked what and she said I was hanging on a gallery wall. So @how2girl told the taxi to flip around and we took this picture. I read about this gallery because some celebrities didn't like them using their @Instagram photo as art.Made me laugh cause I have an upside down cross between my eyes with people complaining about it in their comments. WAH WAH WAH...If ya wanna pop by the Gallery it's called GAGOSIAN GALLERY.I like it. WAY TO GET CREATIVE.#------------UPDATE TO PEOPLE COMMENTING BELOW. Good points made by all. I thought IT was cool AT FIRST SIGHT but in hindsight it's probably treading on some grey area. READ SOME STORIES ONLINE ON THE GUY WHOS DOING THE PRINTS AS WELL. SO SHOULD YOU>>>>> LETS DISCUSS MORE. GET VOCAL.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




