タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 6月12日 11時20分

Happy 50th!!! Dear Darrell Thompson Thank You!! You got IN and OUT of a LOT of shit in these 20 years of being my lawyer..... We've shared so many 1st it's almost scary!!! My first record deal after a 19 record label bidding war after the Coke commercial, my first new car, you helped me buy my first home when I was only 17.... You negotiated the TGT deal with Atlantic, my first Grammy nomination, my first American music award win! You got me off of RCA and got me signed to J Records with Clive Davis, you then got me off of J Records and talked me into going independent to form my indie label Voltron Recordz my new song #Shame is #2 on billboard because of you!! My single STAY was #1 for 11 weeks because of you.... You're a visionary, a friend and one of the most consistent people I've been blessed to have met.... Happy 50th birthday you and have been a truly SIGNIFICANT person in my life and I'm grateful....... Enjoy your new home in Atlanta.... In 20 years you've protected me and literally seen me grow and make mistakes and you loved me and protected me through it all thank you!! Enjoy 50 you're the MAN!!!!!!!


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