カミラ・カベロのインスタグラム(camila_cabello) - 6月10日 08時40分

UK, i think I've realized one of my favorite parts of this whole experience is getting to travel- getting to go to another world inside of our own :) i made so many memories on this trip that i'll remember when i'm 80 in my patio swingin in the rocking chair. the nandos (butterfly chicken and corn on the cob please), the London eye, the YOU. what a warm welcome by all of you guys there :) you made us feel so loved and were so polite and cuddly and taught me a bunch of slang words for me to use incorrectly, you bufftings. oh God i hope that's not inappropriate. PS, i will never forget going up on those risers and, like some sort of dream sequence in a movie, twirling around to look at a sea of 80,000 people and hearing our voices echo from all around. WHAT!!!! i will never forget it. any of it. and i have you to thank. as always ❤️ love you UK, see you very soon x

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