ガス・ケンワージーのインスタグラム(guskenworthy) - 6月10日 01時57分

Rome wasn't built in a day, but this little house in Tijuana basically was! Thanks so much to the @hopesports_ foundation for the opportunity to help out this weekend and to the 50 other athletes who volunteered. In two days three houses were constructed for three families in need and I couldn't be more stoked to have been a part of it! This is one of the three families we built a house for. All four members of the family were living in a dilapidated 6' x 10' shed before we arrived. The single mother, Dominguez, works in a factory six days a week from 3 o'clock in the afternoon 'til midnight and only makes $65 USD a week. She works insanely hard but struggles to provide for her family and I am just really grateful to have had the opportunity to help make her and her family's lives even a little bit better. #ussagivesback #buildhope #gopro


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