ロン・パールマンのインスタグラム(perlmutations) - 11月9日 00時28分

RG @maria_iodice1: #Repost from @iodiceliz with @repostapp --- @maria_iodice1 when you first TOLD me to buy #easystreet I wasn't too keen, who needs to read a book about an actor who's got any easy life, pots of money & a career to die for. Little did I know that I was wrong. I finished reading this book today. Maria thank you for opening my eyes to what has turned out to be a total eye opening read. It touched me so deeply & so emotionally that I'm about to make some changes in my life , ones I should of made a long time ago. If Ron can overcome the slings & arrows that can all too often crush a person then so can I! #ronperlman #moderndayhero #easystreet #godsend #regramapp


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



